Wednesday 15 May 2013

Waiting on God

I wrote this a few years ago when I read a book titled "Lady in Waiting":

As girls we let the world pressurize us in our relationships or even in wanting a relationship. We have this romantic view of love based on what we see in the movies or what we read in novels. We marry ourselves too quickly- rush into things and "act" as we think married couples do. What we don't understand is that marriage is something you work at. It comes with so many responsibilities so we need to be prepared for it. What we face with our boyfriends and girlfriends today is superficial- its on the surface. It doesn't even begin to reach the depth of what marriage is. As girls we do not understand the value of being a "lady in waiting"- being diligent- and using the time we have to build a relationship with God. God tells us and He understands that when we do get married it won't be easy to have such a strong relationship with Him. So what better time to have a relationship with Him now while we are still young and "unattached". Its about waiting for Jesus and understanding that He is your heavenly fiancé. If you
haven't learned to surrender to Jesus now, how will you submit to your husband in marraige?

Jesus is the life that satisfies.  He is the only "guy" who can love you and will love you unconditionally and He has proven it. We need to learn that we can only find fulfillment in God because He is always faithful. He leaves no room for disappointment.

If we are not content with ourselves- we will never find contentment in/with a man. If we do not realise the value of God then we will not experience the great things He has in store for us. Let go of chasing after fulfillment elsewhere and realize that God is at work in you life.

Pray for your relationships ladies. Pray for your future husband. But importantly pray that you are well prepared.

If you are in a relationship or if you are single, it is important to remember this: "GOD is your life and everyone/everything else is just in it"

Wednesday 8 May 2013

A love song to God

Oh Lord You're Beautiful...

I don't know what it is about this song, be it the words or the tune but it really melts my heart and makes me want to bow down in worship. These are the lyrics:

"Oh Lord You're Beautiful"
(originally by Keith Green)

Oh Lord, you're beautiful
Your face is all I seek
And when your eyes are on this child
Your grace abounds to me

I want to take your word and shine it all around
But first help me just to live it Lord
And when I'm doing well, help me to never seek a crown
For my reward is giving glory to you

Oh Lord, you're beautiful
Your face is all I seek
And when your eyes are on this child
Your grace abounds to me

Tuesday 7 May 2013

What is love?

Quote from one of my favourite books "I kissed dating goodbye". What an awesome book. If you havent read it, get yourself a copy.

Monday 6 May 2013

oh Jesus

Faith that is based on the word of God

"In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him. The word gave life to everything that was created." John 1:1-2

Jesus is the word. Jesus is living and eternal so the word is living and eternal.

Our Faith must be based on the word of God and not our feelings. Our feelings will pass away, they are fleeting and dependent on our circumstances. What I feel today is not what I will feel tomorrow. However the word of God has been there from the beginning, it has been in existence and it still endures even today. It will never pass away (Matthew 24:25) and it remains truth despite our circumstances. Faith based on the word will never be shaken, like the word of God it will also endure. If our Faith is based on the word- it means that it is based on Jesus. Everything was created through Jesus so our faith, which is based on the living word (Jesus) will create - bring into existence- that which we ask! Faith brings that which is imagined/thought into reality.

Thursday 13 December 2012

Immediate Obedience

Immediate Obedience

Sometime ago God said to me “I need you to do something”. I said to Him “Yes I will but I just need to do something first”. That was the warning sign that my relationship with God was not where it should be. When God gives you an instruction the natural response should be immediate obedience because that which God wants you to do is aimed at placing you in a certain position where God wants you to be. So when you delay you move away from God’s voice and it becomes difficult to hear him and thus give effect to his instructions. Now you find yourself vulnerable to attacks in the spiritual that eventually change your mind and place you in a position where you are no longer aligned to God’s will.

When you accept God into your life you die to yourself and a new man IN him is born. Therefore, it is important to live by the saying “none of me but all of you Lord” to show that God is in complete control in your life. For God to have complete control in your life you need to TRUST Him but to trust Him you need to LET GO of certain things that hinder your full commitment to God. It is with COMMITMENT that you are able to live according to God’s will and do what is pleasing to Him. An example of such commitment is Jesus Christ, God wanted him to give up his life for all of us and as you can imagine it couldn’t have been an easy thing to do but instead of backing down, He said to the Father ‘not my will, but your will.” (Mark 14:36 NLT).  Through salvation we become Christ-like so we must also seek to give effect to God’s will and not our own. When we know who we are in God we will understand that his instructions/ commandments are not burdensome (1 John 5:3) and furthermore they are not beyond our reach (Deuteronomy 30:11). It is true that God will never place us in a situation that we cannot handle because and Philippians 2:13 reminds us that God gives us the DESIRE and the POWER to do what is pleasing to Him.
So next time God asks you to do something your response should be “I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands” (Psalm 119:60)

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Part 4: Jesus did not die on the cross for us in vain so our hardships as born-again Christians are not in vain

Suffering for the sake of Christ

Jesus was persecuted, the disciples were persecuted and so will we. I feel that in this day and age that we live in people look down on you for being a believer. The world makes it seem like it is a problem when you decide to live your life for God. People are so quick to judge your actions- watching your every move and waiting to pounce on you when you make a mistake, just so they could sneer at you: “we thought you were a Christian”.  I feel that people are just waiting to remind you of where you had been before you accepted God and are waiting for you to slip up and go back to the person that you used to be.
I have come to realise that not everyone is open about spirituality– I feel that it is that humanly nature of ours to compartmentalise things. So we have made spirituality something ‘private’. People do not believe that it is something that needs to be out there or if it is out there it is appropriate on Sunday only. We have made God have a certain time and place in the world so it is seen as something strange when Christians step out and become radical about their faith.  As soon as you step out the “world” goes on attack- they question your spirituality and criticise you.
However, this is what Jesus said would happen. In John 15:18-21 Jesus says: “if the world hates you, you know that it hated ME before it hated you. You are not of the world so the world will hate you. If they persecuted ME, they will persecute you… because they do not know Him who sent ME”. It is said that the world hates you because the cross separated those that accepted the Lord as their Saviour from the world. Thus, I believe that Jesus dying on the cross for us was not in vain. Through this He freed us from the world and its clutches. He also gave us the strength that we need to stand our ground because we know that He has went through it too. His strength is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).
We need to have the understanding that “blessed are those who are persecuted” (Matthew 5:10). The choice to follow Christ means that we not only share in His promises but also His suffering, keeping in mind that “the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18).  Therefore showing that our hardships as born-again Christians are not in vain either.
When we face challenges and persecutions we must hold the scripture in 2 Corinthians 4:7-11 close to our hearts:

"We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are in doubt but not in despair; persecuted but not forsaken; struck down but not destroyed. We will always carry in our mortal bodies the death of Jesus, so that His life also may be manifested in our body"